The summer is in full swing and church workers are going on vacation or kicking back a little. Some of you may go to the beach toting a romance novel or maybe you will visit a lake or forest and take along an action novel for pure escape.
But this might be a time to read something you have on your bookshelf or a book you heard about but never got around to reading it, related to ministry or the Christian life.
If you are looking for something different this summer, perhaps one of these books will interest you.
1. Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Church Worker Wellness by Darrell Zimmerman
2. Behind the Collar: A Pastor's Wife's Journey from Illusion to Reality by Sheila Dasch
3. Wisdom from Lyle E. Schaller: The Elder Statesman of Church Leadership by Lyle E. Schaller and Warren Bird
4. The Underground Manual for Minister's Wives by Ruth Truman
5. Spaghetti from the Chandelier and Other Humorous Adventure of a Minister's Family by Ruth Truman
1. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
2. The Gospel in George MacDonald: Selections from His Novels, Fairy Tales, and Spiritual Writings by George MacDonald (writer) and Marianne Wright (editor). (An outstanding introduction to MacDonald's writings that influenced C.S. Lewis and G. K. Chesterton)
3. Warrior Monk a Pastor Stephen Grant novel. (First in the series about a Lutheran parish pastor who is an ex-CIA agent, includes action and violence, concern for his flock and combines his current and former life as he fights evil)
4 Last Light by Teri Blackstock (This is book 1 called Restoration. The novel begins with a terrible premise that is scary and realistic. It grabs you and is hard to put down.)
There are thousands of books to choose from that reference Christian values, Christian contexts, Christian characters, or theological content. This list above is just a brief offering that you might enjoy this summer.
Happy Reading
One Minute is written by Rev. Ron Rehrer, Counselor for Church Workers of the PSD. E-mail Ron at or phone him at 949.433.5182