Hi! We love church workers!
In 2015, the district participated in the beta test for the Church Worker Family Needs Assessment. Partnering with the LCMS Office of National Mission, Concordia Plan Services, Family Friendly Partners Network, and the Concordia Center for the Family, our district along with the Kansas & Ohio Districts surveyed our church workers and their spouses.
This website has been created as one effort to attempt to address some of the needs revealed in the survey data. Our hope for this site is to provide access to an ever-increasing set of resources to support workers and their family as well as to equip congregations to do likewise. It is our hope that by providing resources, and in some cases events or trainings, that we can help to encourage healthier churches and schools in which healthier church workers can serve our Lord Jesus Christ.
Contributors to this website are fellow church workers and church leaders who are concerned with the well-being of church workers just like you. The work that supports this site is overseen by a special task force of our district. If you have an interest in contributing as a writer or on the task force please contact us at church.work@psd-lcms.org.
1540 Concordia, Irvine, CA 92612
church.worker@psd-lcms.org | Tel: 949-854-3232