Comedians suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. The well-known cases of Robin Williams and John Belushi highlighted this growing issue among comedians.
In his new book, comedian John Moe, writes about his own personal struggle with depression. His book entitled “The Hilarious World of Depression”, documents his life-long wrestle to overcome depression. He tells why he believes he drove his brother to suicide. He tells of his severe depression that impacted his career but led him to create a podcast where he interviews dozens of comedians and their mental health issues.
What is so illuminating is his honest and starkly disjointed narrative describing in beautiful language how depression colors every part of life….not only for comedians but also for everyone who suffers from depression. If you suffer from this disorder or know anyone who does, this book will give you great insight into the secret sufferings that family and friends who have this
condition must contend with. He describes how some depressives encounter terrible anxiety and often delusions. These are almost always hidden away from even the closest of friends. It is a source
of profound shame and severe emotional pain that forces one to bury it deep inside. Many people, including comedians, hide their depression behind smiles and humor. As young children, they suffer traumas and emotional abuse that never meets the light of day. As adolescents and as adults they often learn to sublimate their pain by using jokes as a way to make others laugh while they hurt inside. For example, Robin Williams had a brilliant career as a stand-up comic, an actor in both TV and films, and on many talk shows. He had a fast thinking and active mind and was one of the finest ad-libbers of all time. But behind the public persona there was a severe depression that led him to his death.
Suicidal thoughts are common. Opioids are taken for physical and emotional pain. Pills are subscribed often by physicians to try to rid their patients of the remnants of trauma and to feel normal. Moe has many snippets of conversations from many comedians in his book. Some of their stories are heart breaking. Many of them look beneath the hood to expose what life is really like in a world of depression and anxiety.
While this book is not written by a Christian writer, it is an in-depth look into the real world of working comedians. It lets us in on the reality of depression as real people struggle to cope with the ravages of mental health disorders. You will hear things you have never heard before, and it will lead you to understand and respect those who are ensnared by mental health disorders. You will learn about brain chemistry and how many blame themselves for their behaviors. They learn how nature and nurture combine to make a concoction of pain and suffering.
If you read (or listen) to this book and wish to share what you liked or disliked with me, please feel free to write to me. Church workers struggle with depression and anxiety and other conditions. Let us understand them and support them and hold them up in prayer.
One Minute is written by Rev. Ron Rehrer, Counselor
for Church Workers of the PSD. Phone number 949.433.5182. E-mail ron@ronrehrer.com